Youth Perspectives on Religious Education and Intercultural Respect: A Survey Analysis


  • Anna Halafoff Monash University
  • Gary D. Bouma Monash University
  • Mary Kalantzis Monash University


Youth Perspectives, Religious Education, Intercultural Respect, Tolerance, Survey Analysis


This paper presents findings from a survey conducted among high school students to explore their views on religious education and its role in promoting intercultural respect. The survey aims to understand students' perspectives on how religious studies influence their attitudes toward different cultural and religious groups. Results show that students exposed to diverse religious teachings tend to demonstrate higher levels of tolerance and curiosity about other cultures, supporting the notion that religious education can play a critical role in fostering intercultural understanding.




How to Cite

Anna Halafoff, Gary D. Bouma, & Mary Kalantzis. (2024). Youth Perspectives on Religious Education and Intercultural Respect: A Survey Analysis. Proceeding of the International Conference on Religious Education and Cross-Cultural Understanding, 1(1), 01–07. Retrieved from